Sacred Spaces: Slow Living in a High-Speed World

In our lightening-speed world, remembering to slow down can be a challenge. Instant gratification can get addictive and I recently heard it put that scrolling is the new smoking. Lovingly creating a sacred space in our homes invites us daily to slow down, reconnect to the present moment and come back to mindfulness. As a holistic interior designer, I believe that creating a sacred space is about much more than aesthetics; it's a key element in the overall framework of holistic design which is all about creating an environment that nurtures your mind, body, and spirit. Here are my simple steps to create your own sacred space:

Your sacred space should be a place where you feel safe and free to be your truest self.

1. Set the Intention for Your Sacred Space

Before diving into design, clarify the purpose and set the intention for your sacred space. Is it for meditation, yoga, reading, or simply unwinding? Or a combination of two or more of these? Deciding how the space should serve you will guide your design choices, ensuring that the space meets your needs and intentions. For example, my sacred space is where I have my indoor garden as well as where I practice yoga. I have my plants in the corner nearest the window to receive natural light but I also have enough room in front of the widow for my yoga mat. Yours might include a small bookshelf and comfy chair or meditation pillow. 

Designer Tip: Try out different configurations based on your intended purposes in the space to see if it's the right fit before you commit to an area. 

2. Choose the Right Location for Your Space

Select a quiet, peaceful area in your home where you can disconnect from the outside world. This could be a spare room, a corner in your bedroom, a perch on a balcony or even a section of your garden. It can be any space in your home where you feel protected, sheltered and safe enough to relax and let open you soul for a little while in a calm space. The key is to find a space that feels secluded and calming to you.

Designer Tip:  Ideally it should be away from the entry to your home so the energy flowing from that area doesn't interfere with the safe space you are cultivating.

3. Consider Natural Lighting

Exposure to natural light, especially in indoor spaces, enhances the appearance and overall feeling of a space and can improve mood and well-being. Regular exposure to natural light helps regulate our circadian rhythm and increases overall happiness. When choosing your sacred spot, having a window nearby is ideal. It's also great for incorporating live plants, terrariums, sun-catchers, or even prisms to cast little rainbows into your sacred space. 

Designer Tip: If this isn’t possible, adding a sunlight lamp to your space is a good substitute

4. Declutter and Simplify

A sacred space should be free from distractions. Visual clutter puts stress on our subconscious and nervous system even when we aren't consciously thinking about it. Start by decluttering and removing items that don’t serve a purpose in this area. It's good to do a sweep of your entire home once or twice a year to gather unwanted items to donate or toss to keep up with any accumulation of clutter. Once you have a good handle on your stuff, you can use mindfulness practices to prevent you from accumulating more clutter in the future. Keep your sacred space simple and clean to create a sense of calm and order.

Designer Tip: If you live in a smaller space  like an apartment and have a busy area near your sacred space such as a work desk, consider using a folding room divider to hide those areas when using your sacred space.

5. Incorporate Natural Elements

Nature has a profound impact on our well-being. Bring in natural elements like plants, crystals, and water features to create a harmonious environment. Plants especially have so many benefits to our wellbeing such as reducing stress, and enhancing productivity and creativity, all important purposes of a sacred space.

Designer Tip: Live plants are ideal but high-quality faux plants are fine too if real ones aren’t an option for you.

Soothing neutrals are a great choice for sacred spaces

6. Select a Comforting Color Palette

Color plays a crucial role in creating a tranquil atmosphere. You can opt for traditionally soothing colors such as neutral tones, soft blues, greens, and earth tones. Or if more saturated hues, like Mid Century Modern colors, or maybe Dark Academia is more your vibe, feel free to experiment with what feels right for your scared space.

7. Choose Comfortable, Mindful Furnishings

It's time to get comfy and cozy as my kids like to say. Choose furnishings that are both comfortable and purposeful. Consider a cozy chair, a meditation cushion, or a yoga mat. Ensure that each piece in your sacred space supports your well-being and enhances your experience. Make sure the look and size fits your space, style and functional needs. Comfort is just as important as aesthetics in design overall but especially in your sacred space. A chair or cushion that looks beautiful but feels uncomfortable isn’t going to work for the purpose of relaxing, meditation, reading, etc.  

8. Incorporate Personal Touches

Personalize your sacred space with items that hold special meaning to you. This could include photographs, artwork, spiritual symbols, or treasured mementos. These personal touches make the space uniquely yours and deepen your connection to it. Designer Tip: Floating shelves or a small console could be a great addition if you don’t already have a display surface in your space

9. Set the Mood with Lighting

Lighting can greatly influence the mood of your sacred space. Use soft, diffused lighting to create a warm and inviting atmosphere. Dimmable lamps with changeable Kelvin color temperatures or led lights with customizable colors is a great option for setting the mood lighting on your sacred space. Use up-lighting behind plants or book cases to create layered lighting. Candles, Himalayan salt lamps, and tiny fairy lights on copper wire are excellent choices for adding a gentle glow.

Designer Tip: Cordless lamps are a great choice if outlets aren't available or if unsightly cords are an issue. 

10. Create a Sensory Experience

Engage your senses to enhance the sacredness of the space. Use essential oils or incense for a calming scent, play soothing music or nature sounds, and incorporate textures that feel comforting to touch. A multi-sensory approach can deepen your sense of relaxation and presence.

11. Maintain Your Sacred Space

A sacred space requires regular upkeep to maintain its tranquility. Keep it clean, organized, and free from clutter. Regularly refresh the space with new elements that inspire you and remove anything that no longer serves your purpose.


Creating a sacred space in your home is a deeply personal and transformative endeavor. By thoughtfully incorporating elements that nurture your mind, body, and spirit, you can cultivate a sanctuary that offers peace and rejuvenation. Remember, the essence of a sacred space lies in its ability to reflect and support your unique journey towards holistic well-being. Embrace the process, trust your intuition, and let your sacred space become a haven of serenity in your daily life.


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